Welcome to My Neighborhood.

Dear Traveling Companion,

This website is a work in progress, which is great, because so am I. Perhaps you are, too.

While I take you through the back roads of Pennsylvania, my prayer is that you will find parallels to my stories in your own life. This blog is not so much about a state in the Union, it’s about God’s provisions and extravagant grace. It’s about a girl with a lazy, drifting eye and crooked teeth, and lousy social skills. And yet, God looked past all of that, loved her, and blessed her with a family, and so much more.

My story is about redemption. My story is about faithfulness. Perhaps my story is about you.

So buckle up, and secure your hair, because this driver likes to ride with the windows down.

Proverbs 16:9 ESV The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

Crazy as it seems, I love my 2006 Explorer the way a girl loves her horse.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to My Neighborhood.

  1. I love your voice Janet – so honest and real! I look forward to reading much more from you.


    1. Susan, thanks so much for taking the time to visit the site. I am so blessed to count you as one of my writer-sisters! Thanks for the kind words. It touched my heart.

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